Why I collect your personal data and what I do with it.
When you supply your personal details to Crockford Massage Therapy they are stored and processed for 4 reasons (the bits in bold are the relevant terms used in the General Data Protection Regulation – i.e. the law):
- I need to collect personal information about you (or your horses) health in order to provide you (or your horse) with the best possible massage therapy. Your requesting massage and my agreement to provide that care constitutes a contract. You can, of course, refuse to provide the information, but if you were to do that I would not be able to provide massage therapy for either you or your horse.
- I have a “Legitimate Interest” in collecting that information, because without it I couldn’t do my job effectively and safely.
- I also think that it is important that I can contact you in order to confirm your appointments with me or to update you on matters related to your or your horses care. This again constitutes “Legitimate Interest”, but this time it is your legitimate interest.
- Provided I have your consent, I may occasionally send you general health information in the form of articles, advice or newsletters. You may withdraw this consent at any time – just let me know by any convenient method.
I have a legal obligation to retain your records for 7 years after your or your horses most recent appointment, but after this period you can ask me to delete your records if you wish. Otherwise, I will retain your records indefinitely in order that I can provide you with the best possible care should you or your horse need to see me at some future date.
Your records are stored:
on paper, in locked filing cabinets, and the building my treatment room is in is locked and alarmed when unoccupied. When visiting clients on-site my folder is either on my person, or locked away in my car.
on my office computers. These are password-protected, backed up regularly, and the building my treatment room is in is locked and alarmed when unoccupied.
I will never share your data with anyone who does not need access without your written consent. Only the following people/agencies will have routine access to your data:
- Me as your practitioner in order that I can provide you with massage therapy
- I also use FreeAgent as my accounting package which is managed by myself and my accountant, so your name, address, contact number and email address may be saved on their server. These companies have privacy policies in place and fully comply with the General Data Protection Regulations.
With your permission I may at times need to contact:
- Your GP to refer you back to them for further investigation.
- Your Vet to request approval prior to treatment in compliance with the 1966 Veterinary Act, to do this I will need to confirm your name and address so that they can trace your files. Your vet may also request a report following equine sports massage, this would include your address details, your horses name, age, sex, where they reside, details of their management regime, ridden or inhand observations and palpation findings on the day. I may refer you back to your vet if I feel further investigation is necessary.
- Other paraprofessionals such as physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, farriers etc when working together under your instruction as a team for your/your horses overall welfare.
I am the data controller for Crockford Massage Therapy, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding the data that I hold for you.
Telephone: 07796 464973 or email: suzanne@crockfordmassagetherapy.co.uk.